The summer holidays – an equally exciting and daunting six weeks for any parent! On the one hand, you get to spend some quality time with the littles ones that you don’t always have time for during the year. Then on the other hand, you have the prospect of keeping at least one child entertained for 2 months straight. A job in itself!
Luckily, we’ve taken a little time to think up 8 fun and cost-effective ideas for you to do with the kids over the holiday period.
1. Sunflower measuring
This, in our opinion, is one of the most exciting things you can do over the summer holidays - mainly because it isn’t just a one-day activity! Plant the seeds in the first week of the holidays and watch it grow as the summer goes on. As it starts to grow, measure it together against your child. See how long it takes to grow taller than them!

2. Strawberry picking
An activity that gets them outdoors and eating healthy? As difficult as that may sound, fruit picking is one of the best activities to do this summer. Choose from loads of different berries to pick at a local farm (with permission, of course), and you’ll have plenty of treats to bring home with you!

3. Arts and crafts
Don’t feel like leaving the house? Don't worry. Lay down some newspaper, crack open the crayons and make something fun! Bookmarks, bunting and card making are just a few ideas to get you started.

4. Pond exploring
Grab a net, a magnifying glass and their wellies and get exploring! Examining the creepy crawlies and fish in a local pond or stream is a great way of learning more about nature. (Be sure not to disrupt the animals too much though!)

5. Making a den
We like doing this so much that we made it our job! No explanation needed. Grab a few blankets and cushions and you’re good to go!
If you find yourself wanting a theme to go with it, you know where to come!

6. Movie night
Another easy one, but a firm favourite of ours. Pull the curtains, lay down some blankets in the front room and give them a little bowl of treats (Perhaps some of those freshly picked strawberries if there’s any left!). Front row seats!

7. Potato printing
A real classic. Get some slices of potato and some paints and you’re away! Definitely one for the parents to be in on when it comes to cutting the potatoes. There perfect shared activity!

8. Go for a walk
The best thing about a walk? You can go wherever you want. Even if it’s just to the shops, if it’s walkable then it’s healthy, better for the environment, and fills up your day that little bit more.

So, there you have it. 8 top activities to make the most of with your little ones this summer.
If you have any summer birthdays that you’re currently prepping for and would like to find out more about our dens, please call 07961496173 or go to